Proverbs and sayings about the Vine of Samos

Proverbs and sayings about the Vine of Samos

Proverbs and sayings about the Vine of Samos


Proverbs that are still used today have been recorded in Nik’s “Folklore of Samos”. Dimitriou. These are indicative of the special linguistic tradition of Samos which is inextricably related to the vineyard and the Samian Muscat wine, as it has passed into everyday expression.


Samian wine and the local dialect

Samian wine and the local dialect

Samian wine and the local dialect


There are living, in Samos, linguistic expressions and words, which are related to viticulture and the Samian Muscat wine.

Special words describe the type of soil (asprouplies, balkamia), the cultivation operations (argologima), the plant diseases (sinapidi), the specialized workers for each special work (boujades = barrels), the growth stages of the plant and the fruit (matura, xekundn’a), the tools (ambuliastir’, katsun’, ovanas, th’kel’).

The metaphorical meaning of words that are elements of the dopiolalia and the vocabulary of the grape growers, have been passed down to the current Sami dialect through the expressions of everyday life.


The establishment of UWC of Samos

The establishment of UWC of Samos

The establishment of UWC of Samos

In Samos until 1934, the vinification and trade of wine was done by merchants, who bought the must from the winegrowers and vinified it in their wineries, the so-called taverns, also setting the prices. However, because there was a strong phenomenon of the exploitation of the winegrowers, the Union of Wine Cooperatives of Samos (UWC) was established with the Compulsory Law 6085/1934, to which the winegrowers compulsorily surrendered their production. Afterwards, the Cooperative vinified and marketed the wine of the winegrowers of Samos in its winery on their behalf, for a certain amount.


The history of Samian wine

The history of Samian wine

The history of Samian wine


The history of Samian wine dates back to ancient times. According to a legend, Agaios, hero of the Argonautic Expedition who also reigned on the island of Samos, studied and taught the way in which the inhabitants of the island cultivated the vine.

However, references to Samian wines have also been made by other important people of letters and art, such as Hippocrates, Galen, Theophrastus. It is worth noting that even today there are many reports about the ship “Kyrenia” where it transported wines to various ports.


Samian wine and the Catholic Church of Samos

Samian wine and the Catholic Church of Samos

Samian wine and the Catholic Church of Samos


The Catholic Community of Samos, before the creation of the “Union of Wine Cooperatives of Samos” and the (then forced) vinification and marketing of the product through it, had the role of supplier and distributor of sweet wine for the needs of the Catholic Church in Italy, Africa and elsewhere .

The memories of the old residents of Samos are still alive as well as Catholic priests from the basements of the “Catholic Church” on the coastal road of Samos.

They were filled with built-up Samian wine vats as well as oversized wooden barrels, each bearing the “coat of arms” of Cardinals.

According to the testimony of the last abbess of the Order of St.Joseph in Samos, sister of Michelina, during the bombing of the capital during World War II by the Germans, the wine from the basement of the church flowed into the port, changing even the color of the sea!

Samian Muscat wine still supplies the Catholic Missions in various countries, although clearly in smaller quantities.


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