Catholic Church, Samos

Catholic Church, Samos

Catholic Church, Samos


The Catholic Monastery of the Dormition and Assumption of the Theotokos (or Fragkoklisia as the locals call it), was built in 1901 and is located in a magnificent building on the seafront avenue of Samos. The building operated as a monastery of the ‘Monks of the African Mission’ and as a parish church until 1970.

Based on historical evidence, the Catholic Community of Samos, prior to the creation of the United Wine Agricultural Cooperative of Samos and the (mandatory at the time) vinification and trade of the product through it, it acted as a supplier and trader of sweet wine for the needs of the Catholic Church in Italy, Africa, and elsewhere.

The memories survive of the old Samiots and catholic priests in the basement of the Catholic Church, which was filled with masonry tanks with Samos wine, as well as oversized barrels, each bearing the coat of arms of the Cardinals.

The Catholic Church is currently privately owned and it is religiously affiliated with the Catholic Diocese of Naxos. The building has significant erosion.

Catholic Church, Samos


Parliament of the Samiots (current City Hall)

Parliament of the Samiots (current City Hall)

Parliament of the Samiots (current City Hall)


The building of the Parliament of the Samiots, which currently houses the City Hall of East Samos, was built during the 1898-1901 period. The initial building was based on designs by Principality engineer Efstathiadis, prepared in 1898 and validated by Prince Stefanos Mousouros. It is an excellent example of 19th century neoclassical architecture, with a strong influence from leading architect Ernst Ziller. The building was used as the Parliament and as a meeting place for the General Assembly until 1912-1914. After the Unification of Samos with Greece, the Parliament started being used as a City Hall, as is the case to this day, while for a certain period the lower offices housed the Records. Historic decisions relating to the production, vinification, and trade of Samos wine have been made in this building.

Parliament of the Samiots (current City Hall)


Brutia pine-Oak-Chestnut tree forest, Aspra Chomata area, Mt Ampelos

Brutia pine-Oak-Chestnut tree forest, Aspra Chomata area, Mt Ampelos

Brutia pine-Oak-Chestnut tree forest, Aspra Chomata area, Mt Ampelos


From the Kioulafides area we take the dirt road towards the Tsouka area with the Kechagiades pine forest, at the location that locals call Psi, and arrive at the lush forest in the Aspra Chomata area with oak trees, Brutia pines, and chestnut trees, as well as a wonderful view of the mountain landscape of Samos.

The vegetation on Mt Ampelos in the Vourliotes area is very rich. It is dominated by pines in the lower altitudes, and Brutia pine and black pine at higher altitudes, forming extensive wooded areas, interchanging with terraced vineyards. There are also oak trees, chestnut trees, and other tree types, along with bushes, garrigue, and geophytes, in less fertile and rockier areas. In general, the region is important from an ecological perspective, because one can find many endemic and rare plants here. The timber from these forests was mainly used to make barrels and large wine vats for storing Samos wine by greatly skilled local craftsmen-coopers.

Wooden barrels add aromas and the taste characteristics of the wood from which they are made to the wine, also allowing oxygen to come into slow and controlled contact with the wine.

Brutia pine-Oak-Chestnut tree forest, Aspra Chomata area, Mt Ampelos


Cooperative of Kokkari, Samos

Cooperative of Kokkari, Samos

Cooperative of Kokkari, Samos

From the vineyard village of Vourliotes, following an idyllic downhill route on a narrow winding road, visitors will reach the intersection with the Samos-Karlovasi Rural Road and continue on it to Kokkari.

Travelling the 9 kilometre distance by car takes 20 minutes. Kokkari has evolved from a traditional fishing village into one of the most important tourist destinations of the island.

The Cooperative building on the main road of the village was created in the first years after the establishment of the Union in 1934. After the lifting of the obligation law, individual cooperatives no longer had a reason to operate.  The building has been sold and is privately owned, while it operates as a catering enterprise.

Cooperative of Kokkari, Samos


Paschaleio Archaeological Museum, Samos

Paschaleio Archaeological Museum, Samos

Paschaleio Archaeological Museum, Samos


This is the old building of the Archaeological Museum of Samos, which was called ‘Paschaleion Archeofylakeion’. It was built in 1912 and hosts important finds from the excavations at Heraion, Samos, such as statues, vessels, bronze, ivory, and wood offerings, etc.), as well as clay pots and vessels, kraters, and amphorae that have to do with the use, storage, and transportation of Samos wine.

Paschaleio Archaeological Museum, Samos


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