The harvest of Samian Muscat wine Today


The harvest of Samian Muscat wine continues to mark the dominant agricultural production activity of the island. According to the experiential testimonies of the winegrowers, the harvest was (and is) a multi-day summer “celebration” throughout the island. Perhaps the only elements that have changed in the harvest of the Samian Muscat are:

  • The means of transport: From donkeys, we went to farm vehicles. The kofines and the kofes were partially replaced by the crates, but the cutting tool remains the “katsouni”.
  • Instead of the “stafylodohi” where the grapes were received, now the produce is transferred from the producers to the facilities of the Wineries.

Samian winegrowers follow the tradition of their fathers and grandparents during harverst, an outdoor and manual work that begins in August and is completed by the end of September.

This is due to the geophysical terrain of Samos, as the vineyards start from the lowlands and reach up to 1,100 meters altitude in the Karvounis mountain range. The lot is small and the vineyards on the vine growers’ properties are fragmented. This makes the harvesting process a laborious (and costly) task.


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