The current situation of Samian Winery


Contemporary Samian winemaking comprises of UWC Samos and a significant number of small and medium-sized winemaking enterprises. Specifically, Samian wine industry consists of 6 wineries, 1 vineyard and 1 cooperative that produce many different wine labels. It is noted that several companies in the industry, such as Metaxa LIKNON, produce other alcoholic beverages too, such as cognac. These winemaking companies control significant shares of the domestic bottled wine market and distribute their products through wholesalers or by direct sales to Supermarkets and restaurants, covering the whole country through these extensive distribution networks. Additionally, some companies produce bulk and bottled wine which is available in the local market of the island, while others produce bottled wine of “limited production” with special characteristics, the distribution of which is usually carried out through specialized companies.

In recent years, the quality and reputation of bottled Samian wines has greatly improved, a fact that is confirmed by the continuous awards won by both UWC Samos and the wineries in international competitions. Many companies have made modernization investments, which are sometimes part of subsidized programs.

In addition, export orientation of Samos winemaking enterprises is strong. The main markets for Samian wines are France, Germany, Switzerland, China, Canada, etc.


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