Cooperative and Agricultural Store of Pyrgos


From Koumaradei, following the central road for 4.5 kilometres (about 7-10 minutes), you will reach the kefalochori (head village) of Pyrgos, renowned for its honey production. There, on the left hand side of the main street, you can see the oldest facilities of the Pyrgos Cooperative, as well as the agricultural supply store. The Cooperative of Pyrgos was of pivotal importance, as it gathered and recorded production from all surrounding areas. The Cooperative of Pyrgos was established in 1934 with the founding of the UWC. It ceased operating in 2016, after the lifting of the obligation law.

Cooperative and Agricultural Store of Pyrgos

It is a two-storey building with an external stairway that leads to the upper floor, where the offices used to be housed. The agricultural store, on the ground floor of the building, supplied vine-growers with all the necessary agricultural supplies and tools. For about a decade it also operated as a grocery store.

The building is in relatively good repair and has been sold to a private individual.


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