Change in the usage of cooperatives’ building on Samos


The change in the use of the Cooperatives of Samos that belonged to the “Union” is recorded as follows:

  • The building of Hydroussa Cooperative has been granted to the Fire Brigade for further use.
  • Pandrosos Cooperative: Purchased by a private individual, converted into a house.
  • Mesogios Cooperative: The ground floor is rented by a private individual and operates as a traditional coffee shop. The roof was granted to the Cultural Association of Mesogios and operates as a Folklore Museum.
  • Pagoda Cooperative: The storage space has been rented to a private individual, the office building has remained closed.
  • Hora Cooperative: Leased by the Swartz Foundation and converted into a recording studio.
  • Cooperative of Mytilenii: It operates as an area of the Agricultural Cooperative of Mytilenii.
  • Ano Vathi Cooperative: It has been sold to a private individual.
  • Cooperative of Kokkari: It has been sold to a private individual. Using it as business premises.
  • Cooperative Ag. Konstantinos: It has been granted to the Cultural Association “Aristarchus of Samos”.
  • Cooperative of Vourliotes: The building is closed and unused.

Ampelos Cooperative: It has been granted for use to the local Fire Brigade

  • Cooperative of Stavrinides: It has been granted to be used by the Community (of the local district)
  • Platanos Cooperative: Maintained in use by the Agricultural Cooperative of Platanos.
  • Cooperative of Karlovasi: Rented by a private individual, operates as a professional catering area
  • The building of Lekka Cooperative has been granted for use, to the Fire Brigade of the area.
  • The building of the Cooperative of Kontakeika was completely destroyed by the earthquake of 2020
  • The building of the Cooperative of Kastania was rented to a private individual

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