Brutia pine-Oak-Chestnut tree forest, Aspra Chomata area, Mt Ampelos


From the Kioulafides area we take the dirt road towards the Tsouka area with the Kechagiades pine forest, at the location that locals call Psi, and arrive at the lush forest in the Aspra Chomata area with oak trees, Brutia pines, and chestnut trees, as well as a wonderful view of the mountain landscape of Samos.

The vegetation on Mt Ampelos in the Vourliotes area is very rich. It is dominated by pines in the lower altitudes, and Brutia pine and black pine at higher altitudes, forming extensive wooded areas, interchanging with terraced vineyards. There are also oak trees, chestnut trees, and other tree types, along with bushes, garrigue, and geophytes, in less fertile and rockier areas. In general, the region is important from an ecological perspective, because one can find many endemic and rare plants here. The timber from these forests was mainly used to make barrels and large wine vats for storing Samos wine by greatly skilled local craftsmen-coopers.

Wooden barrels add aromas and the taste characteristics of the wood from which they are made to the wine, also allowing oxygen to come into slow and controlled contact with the wine.

Brutia pine-Oak-Chestnut tree forest, Aspra Chomata area, Mt Ampelos


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