Mavrogeneios School, Malagari

Mavrogeneios School, Malagari

Mavrogeneios School, Malagari

The Mavrogeneios Vocational School was the vocational training school established in Malagari, Samos, in 1902. It was named after Alexandros Mavrogenis, the Prince of Samos at the time. This was a historic training school, adjacent to the agricultural goods store in Malagari.

The School had two departments, the Boys’ School that provided training in technical professions, and the Girls’ School, with classes in sewing, embroidery, carpet weaving, and and textiles.

The building was abandoned in September 2003 and remains unused.

Mavrogeneios School, Malagari


General State Archive, Samos

General State Archive, Samos

General State Archive, Samos


The General State Archive is housed near the building of the Regional Directorate of Samos.  Visitors can get there via Paschali Street and Svoronou Street. It is the only polygonal building on Samos, with an internal courtyard, that used to operate as the Samos Prison building. It is the “evolution” of the Samos Public Archive established in 1882.

The GSA of Samos offers visitors collections from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, the archives from the period of the Principality of Samos (1834-1912), as well as more recent archives (19th-21st century). In these archives, important documents have been identified relating to the cultivation and trade of Samos wine, as well as its impact on the social, historical, and economic development of the island.


General State Archive, Samos


Consulate of Germany, Pythagoras Square, Samos

Consulate of Germany, Pythagoras Square, Samos

Consulate of Germany, Pythagoras Square, Samos


The German-speaking Consulate in Samos was established in the mid 1700s as the ‘Consulate of the German Empire’ and initially had a German Consul. It continued to operate until World War II, when it suspended operations until the 1960s. It then resumed operations, mainly focusing on commerce related to the export of Samos wine. It was housed in a building on Pythagoras Square and the consuls were German-speaking Samiots.

Consulate of Germany, Pythagoras Square, Samos


Samos Library, Samos

Samos Library, Samos


The Public Central Historical Library of Samos used to be the mansion of rich lumber merchant Miltiadis Georgiou (built in 1893), who bequeathed it in his will to the Municipality of Samos for the creation of a library. The library collection includes books, publications, and documents (manuscripts, newspapers and journals, Government Gazette issues) relating to Samos wine, its production, vinification, and trade.

Samos Library, Samos


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