Armakades, Mytilinii rural road

Armakades, Mytilinii rural road

Armakades, Mytilinii rural road


The armakades in Samos are the large mounds of palm-sized stones. It is quite possible that the word “armakas” (singular) comes from the archaic “ermax”. The result of dredging the land for the creation of vineyards were these stones that could be used for building, which were mainly used for supporting or repairing the terraces. You can see armakades along the way from the capital of Samos to Mytilinii, mainly from the Zervou area onwards.  The small mounds are formed in the least fertile corner of the vineyard and have over the years turned into micro-habitats for reptiles, rodents, and various lizards.

Armakades, Mytilinii rural road


Vineyards, Mytilinii rural road

Vineyards, Mytilinii rural road

Vineyards, Mytilinii rural road


Along the entire route from the capital of Samos to Mytilinii, especially near the village, one can admire the small low gobelet training vineyards of Samos, which reveal the long wine producing tradition of the island. Vineyards on terraces (pezoules xirolithias as the local call them) ensure slow and steady grape ripening.

Vineyards, Mytilinii rural road


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