Karlovasi Customs

Karlovasi Customs

Τελωνείο Καρλοβάσου
Στα τέλη του 19ου αιώνα, κατά την περίοδο της Ηγεμονίας στη Σάμο, ξεκίνησε να κατασκευάζεται, δυο χιλιόμετρα από το Νέο Καρλόβασι, το λιμάνι Καρλοβασίου.  Η θέση επιλέχθηκε από τον ισχυρό πολιτικό Ιωάννη Χατζηγιάννη. Το Τελωνείο στο λιμάνι Καρλοβάσου ιδρύθηκε και λειτούργησε από τότε, ελέγχοντας όλες τις εξαγωγές και φορτώσεις σαμιακού οίνου από την ευρύτερη περιοχή. Δεν είναι τυχαίο πως στην περιοχή του Καρλοβάσου άνθισε το Οινεμπόριο και οι μεγάλες Οινεμπορικές  Οικογένειες διέθεταν ιδιόκτητες οιναποθήκες (πετρόκτιστες «ταβέρνες»).

Τελωνείο Καρλοβάσου


Loading Location for Wine headed to France – Malagari area

Loading Location for Wine headed to France – Malagari area

Loading Location for Wine headed to France-Malagari area


The port of Malagari in Samos is located in the western inlet of the large north-eastern natural bay of Vathy. It is a commercial port, as that is where ships connecting Samos to mainland Greece and freighters now dock. The old port, which started being formed during the period of the Principality with embankments on the eastern part of the bay, has been used for the last decade only for connections to Turkey.

Just before the current Malagari port, opposite the Wine Making Facilities of the Cooperative, is where the ships transporting Samos wine to the French market would drop anchor, as there was no way for them to dock. In the past, the transportation of Samos wine took place using wooden barrels that were either transported to the ships on boats, or pumped directly into the ships in bulk from the Cooperative tanks, using special pipes.

Loading Location for Wine headed to France-Malagari area


Pythagoreio Port

Pythagoreio Port

Pythagoreio Port


Pythagoreio is built on the ancient city that flourished during the tyranny of Polycrates (6th century B.C.) and was the first capital of Samos. It is known for its rich history and sights, the Tunnel of Eupalinos, the Roman baths, the ancient city walls, Spiliani monastery, and its local architecture.

Pythagoreio Port (formerly known as ‘Tigani’)

Pythagoreio, the first man-made port in the Mediterranean, is where the renowned Samaines biremes set off from, taking Samos wine all over the world. The pan-shaped port gave the area its local name, Tigani (frying pan).


Samos Customs

Samos Customs

Samos Customs
In the area of the old port of Vathy, beside the Samos Coast Guard, is the stone Customs building, where visitors can start their tour of the historical journey of Samos wine, as this is where, even during the era of the Principality of Samos (from the mid-19th century) all goods were imported and exported. After the Unification of Samos with Greece, customs unification was achieved, as the need to do away with export duties to Greece was highlighted, aiming to make Samos products, mainly wine, competitive.

Samos Customs


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