Lowland Vineyard with a view of the Temple of Hera

Lowland Vineyard with a view of the Temple of Hera

Lowland Vineyard with a view of the Temple of Hera


This is a lowland vineyard growing Samos muscat grapes, owned by a vine-grower member of the Cooperative. Access is easy, whether by car or on foot, as it is 10 minutes from the main road to the Heraion. The dirt trail leading there crosses cultivated fields. The vineyard entrance is gated to protect from wild pigs that would destroy the production. The view from this vineyard, either early in the morning or in the late afternoon, is idyllic, as in the distance you can make out the southern slopes of Mt Ampelos and the unique standing “column” of the Hekatompedon Temple of Hera, which was built on Samos 100 years before the Parthenon in Athens.

Lowland Vineyard with a view of the Temple of Hera


Table Muscat Vineyard – Pagondas

Table Muscat Vineyard – Pagondas

Table Muscat Vineyard- Pagondas


From the area of the hamlet of Heraion, via the Koumeika-Heraion rural road, 7 kilometres away (approximately 13 minutes), is the vineyard village of Pagondas. Along the way you will see farms with orange and lemon trees, as well as some vineyards.

Upon entering the village of Pagondas, on the right hand side of the road you will see a vineyard supported on krevatines (trellises), where table grapes grow. This type of vineyard is rare on Samos, as the dominant variety is low gobelet Samos muscat on dry stone terraces.

Table Muscat Vineyard- Pagondas


Mountain Vineyards heading to Profitis Ilias, peak of Mt Ampelos

Mountain Vineyards heading to Profitis Ilias, peak of Mt Ampelos

Mountain Vineyards heading to Profitis Ilias, peak of Mt Ampelos


From the vineyard in the Kydonies area, on the way back to Pandroso village, you will find the road that leads to the chapel of Profitis Ilias (Prophet Elijah), at the peak of Mt Ampelos. On this route, which can only be completed by 4×4 vehicle, one can see the organic mountain vineyards spread out before them, mainly in the Fleves Karvouni and Agriadia locations

Mountain Vineyards heading to Profitis Ilias, peak of Mt Ampelos

Profitis Ilias, with the chapel by the same name, is located at the end of this mountainous and difficult route that leads to the peak of Mt Ampelos, at an altitude of 1153 metres.


Vagianou Vineyard, Kydonies, Pandroso

Vagianou Vineyard, Kydonies, Pandroso

Vagianou Vineyard, Kydonies, Pandroso


Crossing Pandroso (altitude 650 metres) by 4×4 vehicle, one can follow the route to the right, a dirt road that leads to the Kydonies location of Pandroso. There you will find an ancestral low gobelet Samos muscat grape vineyard on dry stone terraces.

Vagianou Vineyard, Kydonies, Pandroso

This vineyard has very old vines, possibly more than 100 years old, which, however, are still productive, as well as younger vines that are about 30 years old, in which the Samos muscat variety reveals its full potential, providing exceptional grapes.


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