Samian Harvest Customs


According to the testimonies of vine-growers of Samos, the customs they maintained during the harvest period were mainly two:

“Mitzi” and “change”.

The winegrower who needed help for his viticultural work, stipulated that on the designated day he has “mitzi” (The word probably comes from a corruption of the Turkish word “mezzaane”= donation, favour). On this day, relatives, friends and some villagers gathered in the vineyard and worked without pay. The owner was buying wine and “tragimata pantoia” (any kind of fresh or dry fruit accompanying the wine).

The communities of the villages of Samos did the same thing every year on November 14 (name day of St. Philip) for widows with young children, who did not have anyone to help them in their viticultural work.

The “change” has been a ceremonial act of solidarity on Samos, which lasts to this day. The winegrower invites people to help him harvest his vineyard, which he will pay back, when asked by those who helped him.


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