Folklore Museum of Ambelos


The Folklore Museum of Ambelos is located on the left hand side of the road leading to the village, and it also operates as a small Wine Museum, as it has several exhibits related to the production of Samos wine.

It officially started operating in 2015 and it was a warehouse before being turned into a museum. It occasionally hosts cultural events. Visitors can examine traditional Samos household items, church artefacts, traditional clothes from the 18th and 19th centuries, etc. As regards wine making, the museum has tools and artefacts from all wine production stages, such as old demijohns, weighing tools, such as scales and kantaria, koftiria used for cutting grapes before they were placed in the press that produced the must, as well as barrels, mixers, wine thermometers, and much more.

Folklore Museum of Ambelos


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