Panoramic view, Ambelos

Ambelos village is one of the oldest mountain vineyard villages of Samos. It is located in the northern part of the island at an altitude of 300 metres, but it was amphitheatrically built on a 40% slope, creating a feeling of being even higher, which is why it is called the “balcony of the Aegean”. The view is wonderful, panoramic, and at many points along the winding mountainous route visitors can admire the shores of Asia Minor.

In Ambelos (which used to be called Nenedes) it is worth stopping and tasting some traditional Samos cuisine and taking in the 8-metre waterfall to the west. You will find it after a 1.5-kilometre hike through the lush vegetation.  Ambelos is 24 kilometres from the city of Samos and 14 kilometres from Karlovasi.

Panoramic view, Ambelos



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