Stafylodochos at the old entrance to the Temple of Hera


The stafylodochos at the old entrance to the Temple of Hera is located at the intersection of the main road with the road that used to lead to the Heraion archaeological site. It is easily accessible by vehicle. The road leads to a dead end where you can make a u-turn.

The stafylodochos is well preserved, despite the fact that these delivery systems were already under performing in the 80s and had gradually ceased to operate by 1990. This raised cement tank, approximately 2.5 metres tall, is supported by beams, with a flat surface that served as a loading platform where the grape deliveries were recorded. Currently, the space is occasionally used for the sale of agricultural products by private individuals, and as a place where tourists rest under the shade of the trees.

Stafylodochos at the old entrance to the Temple of Hera


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